Purple Cabbage Slaw

Hello reader and cook. Let me start by saying this creamy and tangy purple cabbage slaw goes REALLY well, I mean really well with the Chipotle Mushroom Tacos and Avocado Cilantro Crema, also found on this website. Please take a peek at the recipe section above. Also, serve all of the above with sides of low-lectin Instant Pot black beans and low-lectin Instant Pot rice. Yes! A divine complete meal. 

I love the color of the purple cabbage with a pop of green from the freshly chopped cilantro and parsley, the colors bring your plate to life. The recipe is so easy with only six key ingredients, plus salt and pepper to taste. As the child of a German mom, I grew up eating sauerkraut and Kraut salat which literally translates to cabbage salad, or cabbage slaw. Cabbage is a taste I crave. The cilantro and lime flavors make it go perfectly with Mexican food but really it is a great side dish with just about any meal. Last night I ate it next to a Shiso Arugula Pesto Pasta (recipe coming to you soon) and roasted Romanesco broccoli (the light green broccoli that looks like it stuck it’s finger into an electrical outlet), anyway, I digress. Purple cabbage is chock full of health benefits from raising beta-carotene levels, lutein and other heart protective compounds as well as possibly assisting in keeping the lining of our intestines and stomachs healthy and strong. When slicing the cabbage be sure to use a mandoline for nice even and thin slices, I prefer, and many chefs recommend the Japanese made Benriner Mandoline, available at surlatable.com.

You will have it FOREVER. Watch you don’t slice your fingers, though. 

The slaw is super crunchy when served soon after it’s made but if you make it a day ahead, it gets all marinated and juicy in the fridge. Even better the next day.

Serves 5-6 / Prep time 10-12 minutes


1/2 medium small purple cabbage, finely shredded. Be sure to cut the cabbage in quarters and slice out the white rough center piece

3 tablespoons / 42.52 g Vegenaise (vegan mayonnaise) of choice or if you prefer use traditional mayonnaise

2 tablespoons /29.6 ml avocado oil

1/2 lime juiced about 1 tablespoon / 14.8 ml

1/4 cup/about 30 grams cilantro leaves, finely chopped

1/4/about 30 grams flat leaf parsley leaves, finely chopped

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste


Place the sliced cabbage shreds into a medium bowl. Add the Vegenaise and stir until well incorporated. Then add the avocado oil and lime juice and stir again. Toss in the cilantro and parsley and then add salt and pepper to taste and mix. Don’t over mix. Cover and refrigerate 30-60 minutes before serving. Serve.

Recipe developed by Anna Getty of Amalgam Kitchen.

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Mint Grape Popsicles


Chipotle Mushroom Tacos with Avocado Cilantro Crema